Ethical commitment

Our Ethical Commitment

At GBfoods our purpose is to take care of each of the local communities we belong to and to bring out and celebrate their authentic flavours.  This means that every day, our products are part of the lives of millions of people around the world, which is not only a great privilege but a great responsibility.

As we clearly believe that our actions, words, and behavior do matter, the Group has set principles and rules in our Code of Conduct to ensure that we behave and manage the business to a high standard.

The Code is the keystone of our corporate ethics culture and serves as a foundation for GBfoods’ essential policies, guidelines, and procedures all of which provide additional guidance on expected behaviors.


Our Compliance Approach

Compliance activities are embedded into our standard procedures and Compliance results are reported to our Global Ethics and Compliance Committee and governing bodies.

GBFoods’ Legal team, with the support of the Internal Control & Audit team, regularly monitors changes in laws and regulations to ensure ongoing compliance.


Our Code of Conduct

The GBfoods Code of Conduct sets out the ethical commitments and responsibilities taken on and common to the members of GBfoods for managing the business and doing their jobs.

The principles in our Code of Conduct, aligned with our Purpose and Values, state general obligations to be observed in terms of honesty, diligence, loyalty, integrity, transparency, and mutual respect.

To communicate any suspicion of breach of applicable laws and regulations or our Code of Conduct, GBfoods made available, through the Code of Conduct, our Raise your Hand channel.

GBfoods Code of Conduct can be downloaded here.


Our Raise your Hand channel

GBfoods has a Corporate channel in which any hints regarding a non-compliance can be reported, either nominatively or anonymously. The channel is accessible through:

  • The Raise   your       Hand    Website

( designed to ensure confidentiality and anonymity, creating a secure line of communication

GBfoods members can also use the physical mailboxes located in our factories and warehouses or reach out to any of the Ethics and Compliance Committee members, who will advise and escalate the concern if needed.

GBfoods will protect anyone reporting a genuine concern from any form of retaliation, discrimination or penalties. The information provided will be treated as strictly confidential and appropriately investigated as regulated in the GBfoods “Raise your Hand channel Policy”.


Our Suppliers’ Code of Conduct

The Group has also developed and implemented the GBfoods Suppliers Code which

contains all the essential principles and values that must rule and inspire the relationship established between the goods and services suppliers and their outsourced suppliers and the companies and employees that integrate our Group, [focusing on/paying due attention to the] respect for human and labour rights.

The GBfoods Suppliers Code of Conduct is aligned with the best practice guidelines proposed by the OECD for multinational companies and the GBfoods Code of Conduct.